
Inclement Weather - We have several branches with adjusted schedules for Wednesday, January 22, and Thursday, January 23. Please visit the link below for the latest updates.

Branch Phone Outage - Branch phones are currently down. Please contact your lender directly via cell phone or email.

Last Updated: 1/22/2024 4:02pm

Severe Weather Updates


Leverage leasing in your operation 

We know that farming requires diverse financing options. Agriculture is a risky and capital intensive business. Our leasing programs offer flexibility to free up capital, improve cash flow, and even generate additional tax benefits.

Get In Touch

Equipment & Vehicle Fleets

Whether you're purchasing tractors, processing equipment or vehicles for your business, our leasing program frees up working capital.

Buildings & Facilities

If you're exploring building options, then you might want to consider leasing your facility to increase cash flow availability.


Thinking of building solar to offset energy costs? Consider positioning our unique solar lease in your operation.

Get in touch to talk about leasing.