
Inclement Weather - We have several branches with adjusted schedules for Wednesday, January 22, and Thursday, January 23. Please visit the link below for the latest updates.

Branch Phone Outage - Branch phones are currently down. Please contact your lender directly via cell phone or email.

Last Updated: 1/22/2024 4:02pm

Severe Weather Updates

Member Benefits

Your account. Your way.

We make it easy to manage your account.

AgSouth Farm Credit offers convenient services to help you manage your time and money, even when life is at its busiest.

Contact your loan officer for information and questions about the services on this page.


Digital Banking

As an AgSouth member, you can obtain current account information, check your account history, download your loan activity statement, and even make payments 24 hours a day, 7 days a week through Digital Banking. 

Upgrades to our Digital Banking portal are now live. You can now sign up and start enjoying these new features. Please visit our Digital Banking resources page for more information. 

Digital Banking Borrower's Guide

AgSouth Farm Credit Mobile App

Do everything you can do in Digital Banking when you're away from your computer. Obtain current account information, check your account history, download your loan activity statement and even make payments 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Now with fingerprint and facial recognition for extra security.

Sign up online for Digital Banking first and then download AgSouth Farm Credit Mobile app from your smartphone.


AutoBorrow creates a seamless connection between your Farm Credit loan and Bank of America account. It automatically transfers funds between your loan and your checking account to ensure you achieve the maximum return on your money every day.


AutoDraft is the easy way to pay your AgSouth Farm Credit loan at no cost to you. Your payment is made for you automatically, and AutoDraft electronically deducts your loan installment from your bank account each time it's due. There’s no check to write, no stamp to lick and one less to-do on your list.


FastCash is the safe, dependable way to withdraw funds from your line of credit loan with a simple phone call to your local office or through AgSouth's Digital Banking. We’ll electronically transfer funds from your line of credit to your checking or savings account for no additional charge.


AgSweep manages your funding and repayment needs by linking your line of credit to a Wells Fargo checking account, ultimately maximizing daily cash flow. Contact your credit office for requirements.

Member Discounts

Our members are eligible for discounts from a variety of retailers and businesses through the Farm Credit National Discount Program.

Download Customer Discounts

Member Assistance Program

Our Member Assistance Program (MAP) provides multiple benefits and services such as: assessment and counseling, legal services, financial services, and online services. Learn more about MAP, or download a flyer for a quick overview of the program.

Download MAP Flyer

Ready to become a member? Get in touch.