
Inclement Weather - We have several branches with adjusted schedules for Wednesday, January 22, and Thursday, January 23. Please visit the link below for the latest updates.

Branch Phone Outage - Branch phones are currently down. Please contact your lender directly via cell phone or email.

Last Updated: 1/22/2024 4:02pm

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Home Builders: Home Construction with AgSouth

Well-manicured lawn in front of rural home

Home Builders and Contractors, it’s no news to you that the market for home construction and land purchases are incredibly hot right now. We think it's the perfect time for us to get to know each other! Learn how we can work together to make your client's dream come true.

*This article is featured in the Home Builders Association of South Carolina Newsletter.

Let's Build Your Clients Dream Home

Home Builders and Contractors, it’s no news to you that the market for home construction is incredibly hot right now. Coincidentally, the land and lot market is also incredibly hot. And when you pair the two of them together, well, let’s just say it’s the perfect time for us to get to know each other.

While it’s true AgSouth Farm Credit’s mission is to serve farmers, we also serve those seeking to live in rural areas and that can include farmers and non-farmers alike. We serve these groups through AgSouth Farm Credit and AgSouth Mortgages, a secondary market division of AgSouth Farm Credit.
So why should you, a home builder, get to know us?

3 Reasons Why You’ll Love Working with AgSouth (and your clients will, too!)

1. We offer two products for home construction, each having their own unique benefits due to our ability to finance small and large acreage at long-term fixed rates. We’ll be going over those products more in depth in the next coming weeks.

These products are:

  • Construction-to-Permanent Financing with AgSouth Mortgages
  • Rural Home Construction Loan with AgSouth Farm Credit

2. We make your clients happy! With our Construction-to-Permanent Financing, we can finance land and home construction under one roof, streamlining the process and saving your client money with one loan closing.

3. We can work with you on a draw schedule and provide quick draw turnaround times due to our team structure.

Be on the lookout for Part 2 of our Homebuilder Series coming to this newsletter next month discussing our Construction-to-Permanent Financing Product. 

AgSouth Locations

We serve 34 counties in South Carolina and 59 counties in Georgia. If you have questions about our products and how they benefit you and your clients, our Loan Officers are happy to answer any questions you might have. To speak with a Loan Officer near you, please visit our locations page.

Map of South Carolina and Georgia